Push changes to live server
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Last updated
Wordpress + NextJS
Make sure you push changes to the wordpress server before you push to the master branch in the front-end repo, because pushing to the master branch will trigger a deploy on Vercel. If you haven’t synced fields on the wordpress server, it’s likely going to cause the Vercel build to fail. If the build fails, that’s fine, just make sure you sync fields on the wordpress server and then redeploy on Vercel:
Make a backup of the live server through the Updraftplus plugin.
Git commit and push your changes.
SSH into the live server.
Run the following command:
wpd && git pull && restart
If you made changes to ACF fields in the cms, you’ll need to sync those changes from the json files in /wp-content/themes/whatworks/acf-json. On the live server:
At this point you should make any content updates on the live server.