Git clone the repo
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Now we want to remove all wordpress files generated by Local and replace them with the files from the github repo.
When you it the site shell it will take you to the public directory in the terminal.
Macintosh HD/Users/User_Name/Local Sites/vmgd/app/public
We're going to delete the public folder and replace with the github repo
Public folder is currently where local expects Wordpress website to be. We will replace the public folder with git hub repo files.
Run the following commands in one command. The reason to run them in one command is if the git clone command fails you still have the public folder:
cd ..
rm -rf public
git clone public
Edit site.conf.hbs
Open the file with the Visual Studio Code.
root "{{root}}";
root "{{root}}/wordpress";
Now Local knows the directory containing all the wordpress files is in a sub-directory of the public folder.
Possible Cases and Errors:
When it says permission denied:
stop the site in local (so that it doesn't recreate after you already deleted it)
and after that use the following commands in the terminal
sudo rm -rf public
which will remove the public directory.
When it says public folder not found:
Go to this directory
Macintosh HD/Users/User_Name/Local Sites/vmgd
cmd + Right click and open the app folder directory in the new terminal
and paste the following command in the terminal.
git clone public